Some of our major Project

Home Sweet Home Safe Haven.

Home Sweet Home Safe Haven:

Empowering Women and Girls in Zimbabwe We are thrilled to announce the completion of the conceptual design for our Home Sweet Home Safe Haven. This milestone has been achieved through the collaborative efforts of Journeyman International and the dedicated team at Anath Fellowship Our safe haven holds immense significance for the women and girls of Zimbabwe, providing them with a sanctuary of security, support, and hope. As we step into 2024, we are excited to move forward. We are currently in the process of obtaining the blueprint for our safe haven, and construction of the first block is set to begin soon. This critical phase is made possible by the generous support of the kanthari Foundation Switzerland We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our partners who believe in our mission and share our vision for a safer, more empowered Zimbabwe. Together, we are creating a brighter future for those who need it most.

Boys and Men Sensitization workshop

November 25 each year marks the first day ,of 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence. As an organization we had a powerful workshop in Zvimba rural district. **107 boys and men** actively participated, engaging in discussions about critical issues related to abuse, counseling, and life skills. During the workshop, we addressed the pressing concerns of violence and its impact on individuals and communities. Through interactive sessions, we encouraged open dialogue and shared strategies for supporting survivors and preventing abuse. Our onsite survey revealed valuable insights into the experiences of boys and men who have faced abuse or witnessed it firsthand. Together, we are committed to taking action. By raising awareness, fostering empathy, and equipping participants with essential knowledge, we strive to create a safer and more compassionate environment for all. Let us stand united against gender-based violence, advocating for change and empowering one another.

International girl Child day 2023

On October 14, 2023, a belated celebration of International Day of the Girl Child took place in the Zvimba rural district, specifically in the Wallwick area. The event was organized in partnership with the Girl Child Network. A total of 261 girls participated in the event, which was held at Lake Chivero Secondary School.

The day was filled with various empowering activities, including poetry recitals, dancing performances, and singing by the girls. The focus of the discussions centered around girls’ rights and issues related to abuse. Attendees were encouraged to ask questions freely, and those with sensitive concerns were provided a safe space to share their experiences with our team members.

As part of the initiative, disposable sanitary pads were distributed to the girls, promoting menstrual hygiene. Additionally, essential hygiene tips were imparted to the participants.

Notably, 61 teen mothers expressed interest in being reintegrated back into school, highlighting the positive impact of the event. Overall, it was a remarkably successful day, emphasizing the importance of empowering and supporting girls in their journey toward education and well-being.


International women's day 2022

Women celebrating International Women's Day

On March 8, 2022, we joyously celebrated International Women’s Day at the Dzivarasekwa 1 Stadium. The event was a vibrant and empowering gathering, filled with various activities:

  1. Friendly Netball Match: Women came together to compete in a spirited netball match, fostering camaraderie and teamwork.

  2. Blood Pressure Checks (BP Checks): Health and well-being were prioritized as attendees had their blood pressure monitored, ensuring awareness and early detection.

  3. Family Planning Services: We provided essential information and services related to family planning, empowering women to make informed choices about their reproductive health.

  4. Counselling Services: Professional counselors were available to offer guidance, support, and a listening ear to those who needed it.

  5. Music and Dancing: The stadium reverberated with lively music, and women danced freely, celebrating their strength, resilience, and unity.

The day was a remarkable blend of education, entertainment, and community spirit. We were proud to partner with Sovi and Population Services Zimbabwe, collectively championing women’s rights and well-being

International girl child day 2022

On International Girl Child Day 2022, Precious Hearts Haven organized a special event that provided a safe and supportive environment for girls to openly discuss topics that are often considered taboo in African culture. These brave young girls, who usually face challenges in freely communicating with their mothers about body development, hygiene, menstruation, and abuse, found solace in this space.

During the event, the girls eagerly participated in sewing handmade washable sanitary pads, a practical and empowering skill. Additionally, they received disposable sanitary pads, ensuring their comfort and well-being. The atmosphere was filled with joy as they freely shared their thoughts and experiences, breaking down barriers and fostering a sense of community.

The hashtag #moresafespacesforgirlchild encapsulates the mission of creating more such safe spaces where girls can learn, grow, and support one another. Precious Hearts Haven’s initiative made a positive impact, empowering these girls to navigate important aspects of their lives with confidence and knowledge.

Tree planting training Project

Empowering women Through Tree Planting

In our community-driven initiative, we trained 35 women and 4 men in the art of tree planting. This project serves a dual purpose: sustainable livelihoods and environmental conservation.

Key Components:

  1. Training: We conducted comprehensive training sessions, equipping participants with the knowledge and skills needed to nurture and care for trees. These individuals are now proficient in planting, maintaining, and protecting various tree species.
  2. Gender-Inclusive Approach: Recognizing the importance of gender equality, we actively involved both men and women. While women formed the majority, the inclusion of men fosters collaboration and shared responsibility.
  3. Support Groups: To enhance effectiveness, we organized 5 support groups among the women. These groups serve as platforms for knowledge exchange, mutual encouragement, and collective action.
  4. Planting Day: On a sunny morning, our enthusiastic team planted a total of 450 trees. Each tree represents hope, resilience, and a commitment to a greener future.

Diverse Tree Species: Our efforts spanned a variety of tree types, including:Mango trees,Eucalyptus trees,Pawpaw trees, Lemon trees,Banana trees, Grape trees, Peach trees, Avocado trees, Pine trees and Jacaranda trees.

By planting these trees, our community not only secures livelihoods but also contributes to a healthier planet. Many thanks to Kanthari foundation for supporting this project. Together, we’re nurturing growth, one tree at a time. #More Trees, More Water, More food.

Mushroom Farming Training project

Empowering Women Through Mushroom Farming: A Sisterhood Journey

At our sisterhood mushroom farming training, we believe in the strength of unity and shared purpose. Before embarking on our mushroom farming venture, we formed tight-knit support groups. These groups became more than just a means to an end—they transformed into families.

The Journey:

  1. Fruiting Houses as Community Hubs: As a group, we tended to these delicate fungi, learning the art of cultivation and nurturing. The fruiting houses weren’t just structures; they were safe havens where women gathered, shared stories, and laughed freely.

  2. Bonding Through Fruiting: Managing the mushroom growth cycle—watching them sprout, mature, and yield—forged deep connections among team members. We celebrated victories and supported each other during setbacks. Our shared experiences created a sisterhood that transcended the farm.

  3. A Safe Space for Women: Our mushroom farm became more than a business. It was a sanctuary—a place where women could express themselves openly. Here, we discussed dreams, fears, and aspirations. We encouraged one another to reach higher, to break barriers, and to believe in our potential.

  4. From Mushrooms to Microloans: With the modest earnings from mushroom sales, we didn’t stop there. Instead, we pooled our resources and established a group loan system. Each woman received a boost—a small capital injection—to kickstart her own individual business. Together, we lifted each other up, ensuring that no one was left behind.


Our Gratitude:

This transformative project wouldn’t have been possible without the unwavering support of the Kanthari Foundation. They believed in our vision, championed our cause, and stood by us every step of the way. To them, we say: Thank you. Your belief in our sisterhood has empowered us to create ripples of change in our community.

Sanitary Pad Drive Project

Since 2022, we have been running an ongoing Sanitary Pad Drive to support vulnerable girls in rural communities who cannot afford to purchase a pack of sanitary pads each month. These girls face immense challenges, including exploitation by abusers who take advantage of their desperate need for just $1 to buy these essential hygiene products. As a result, many of them miss school during their menstruation cycles.

Our efforts have made a significant impact. To date, we have distributed over 5000 sanitary pads, ensuring that these girls can manage their periods with dignity. Additionally, we have conducted programs to train them in creating reusable pads, promoting sustainability and self-sufficiency.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our supporters who have made this initiative possible. Together, we empower the girl child to menstruate with pride. Let’s continue to pad her up and create a brighter future for these young women. 

Support Groups Project

Support Groups Nurturing Growth and Healing

Our support groups are more than mere meeting spaces; they are vibrant hubs of growth, healing, and community. Here’s how they function:

  1. Therapeutic Activities: Beyond discussions, our support groups engage in activities that nourish the soul. These therapeutic endeavors include tending to seedlings, sharing personal stories, practicing mindfulness, and connecting with nature. By doing so, we promote emotional well-being, resilience, and a sense of purpose.

  2. Seed Gathering Journey: Following the tree planting training in late 2022, our five support groups, composed of 34 dedicated women, embarked on an inspiring journey. Their mission: to gather indigenous and exotic tree seeds. With the advantage of natural rain, they scoured the landscape, collecting seeds that would become the foundation of our reforestation efforts.

  3. 800 Indigenous and 35 Exotic Trees: The fruits of their labor are evident. These remarkable women have amassed a collection of 800 indigenous tree seeds and 35 exotic tree seeds. Each seed symbolizes hope, resilience, and a commitment to restoring our environment.

  4. Ongoing Nurture: The journey doesn’t end with seed collection. Our nurturing spirit continues as these women care for the seeds they’ve gathered. They water, protect, and watch over them, ensuring their healthy growth. In doing so, they become custodians of a greener future.

  5. Kanthari Foundation’s Impact: We extend heartfelt gratitude to the Kanthari Foundation for their unwavering support during the tree planting training in Zvimba rural area, Zimbabwe. Lives are being transformed, broken hearts are healing, and a newfound sense of family blossoms among these remarkable women.


International women's day 2024

We joined the rest of the world in commemorating International women’s day. In Zvimba, 153 remarkable women gathered on March 8th to celebrate International Women’s Day, showcasing the global unity and resilience of women. The event focused on empowering women’s health, offering cervical cancer screenings, family planning services, and GBV awareness sessions. Additionally, it provided a safe space for expression, thanks to the support of partners like Population Health Solutions , Population services Zimbabwe, Precious Hearts Haven and Cycle Health. As the celebration continues throughout the month, let’s remember to uplift and honor women every day, acknowledging their invaluable contributions to our world. To all women: you are precious, and your strength inspires us all. #Inspire Inclusion


School workshops project


Since 2022, our organization has been actively engaged in sensitization programs within schools and youth meetings. Our mission is to empower young individuals by addressing critical topics related to their well-being. Here’s a concise description of our initiatives:

Abuse Awareness: We conduct sessions where we discuss various forms of abuse, including physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. By raising awareness, we aim to equip young people with the knowledge to recognize and prevent abusive situations.
Red Flags of Abuse: Identifying warning signs is crucial. We educate students about common red flags associated with abusive relationships, helping them make informed decisions and seek help when needed.
Support Systems: Adolescents need a strong support network. Our programs emphasize the importance of friends, family, teachers, and counselors as reliable sources of support during challenging times
Anger Management: Adolescence can be emotionally intense. We provide strategies for managing anger constructively, promoting healthier interactions and conflict resolution.
Teenage Dating: Healthy relationships are essential. We engage in open conversations about healthy dating practices, consent, boundaries, and communication.
Drug Awareness: Substance abuse is a pressing issue. Our programs educate youth about the risks associated with drug use, emphasizing prevention and seeking help.
Bullying Prevention: Bullying affects mental health and self-esteem. We encourage a culture of kindness, empathy, and intervention to combat bullying in schools.
Additionally, at each school visit, we leave a whistle-blower box where children can anonymously report abuse cases. To date, we have reached and positively impacted 843 young individuals. Together, we strive for a safer, more informed, and compassionate community. 

Survivors story telling project

Empowering Voices: Stories of Resilience and Hope

At our organization, we’ve had the privilege of connecting with numerous women who have survived gender-based violence (GBV). Their courage and resilience have inspired us, and we believe their stories deserve to be heard.

Through intimate interviews, these survivors have shared their journeys—raw, unfiltered, and powerful. They’ve opened up about the pain, trauma, and challenges they faced. Some were pushed to the brink, forced to seek solace in drugs as a coping mechanism. But amidst the darkness, there is light.

Four remarkable women, through sheer determination, have embarked on a journey of healing and transformation. They’ve chosen rehabilitation over addiction, reclaiming their lives from the clutches of substance abuse. Their stories are testament to the human spirit’s capacity to overcome adversity.

And it doesn’t end there. These survivors have become advocates—champions for the rights of women. Their voices echo through our storytelling program, a platform where their narratives will be shared with the world. Join us on our YouTube channel as we amplify these voices, celebrate resilience, and foster hope.

Together, we can break the silence, challenge norms, and create a safer, more compassionate world for all.

Join us as we honor these survivors, celebrate their strength, and advocate for change. Let their stories inspire action and ignite a movement toward a brighter future. 

Teenage mothers Empowerment program

Give Her Hope: Empowering Teen Mothers

At Precious Hearts Haven, we believe in nurturing hope and resilience. Our Give Her Hope project is a beacon of light for young mothers who face unique challenges on their journey. Let us introduce you to this transformative initiative:
On International Girl Child Day 2023, we commemorated the strength and resilience of young women. It was during this event that we witnessed something remarkable: 61 teenage mothers expressed their desire to reclaim their education. However, they hesitated to return to formal schools, fearing judgment and mockery from their peers.

Our Approach
Precious Hearts Haven partnered with Lake Chivero Secondary School to create an alternative path. We recognized that these brave young mothers needed a safe space to learn, grow, and thrive. Thus, our non-formal education program was born,
The Give Her Hope Project is a 6-month journey of empowerment.
Focus Areas:
Basic Reading and Writing
Counseling and Mentoring
Parenting Skills
Basic Financial Literacy
Clothes Upcycling Skills
Cooperative Formation, after completing the program, these resilient mothers will come together to form a cooperative. This cooperative will serve as a support network, fostering financial growth and sustainability.

We envision a future where these young mothers stand tall, confident, and self-reliant. Through education, skills, and community, they will break free from societal constraints and build brighter tomorrows—for themselves and their precious children.

Join us in giving them hope. Together, we can rewrite their stories and empower them to thrive.

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