Categories: Newsletter

Newsletter 4 / 2022

Complements of the new season !

The fourth and final quarter for 2022, has been graciously encompassed with whole line of activities that have propelled another level of betterment to women in all areas that we were engaged in.

Every year in this fourth quarter Zimbabwe takes time to replenish mother earth by observing the National Tree Planting Day in the first week of December. Women and Girls are most beneficiaries of this great day needless to say eco-friendly. Precious Hearts Haven has always taken our environment as priority as well; we went all out to compliment these selfless acts of sacrifice by planting fifteen exotic trees and fifteen indigenous trees to make them thirty trees in Zvimba Rural as a gesture to supplement our environment.

Tree planting day

We will always thank girls and women of Zvimba for being proactive in this initiative, we also take this opportunity to appreciate our passionate contributors of donations and gifts, and our sponsors meeting all help needed to make this day a success. Thank you for making our activity possible.

women planting trees

Annual Child Rights Collation Conference

Child rights have been in the past fallen in the pecking order, there have been preferences given to other rights than those of children, it seems it was as a result of few people standing up for the child rights. Precious Hearts Haven was privileged as an organization to take part on this year two days annual child rights collation conference held in Harare. It appears there is a reawakening among all spheres the activation of child rights. This conference was designed to help in the provisions of workable solutions to end worrisome rise in child sexual exploitation and abuse.

Precious Hearts Haven team at annual child rights collation conference

International Girl Child Day

Each year the celebration and the awareness that comes with the girl child day world over evoke reminiscences of gatherings and girlhood traditions of the past and the recognition of acceptance of women’s position in the society.  Such gatherings and girls coming together have even become more cherished amid the changing times. We gathered 42 girls between the ages of 8 years to 19years to celebrate and commemorate The International girl child day in Zvimba rural.

 On this day we reframed the narrative around rural girls by training them how to make reusable handmade sanitary pads with resources that are locally found within their reach. The  menstruation hygiene and abuse topic took a greater part of our day by openly discussing predicaments faced by these girls opened and training them to find solution by making their own re-usable sanitary pads that they can make on their own without being depended on parents, friends but to be self-reliant in these fast changing  times.

Internatiol girl chid day celebration

Abuse issues, identification of  red flags of abuse took toll as part of the day activity, time was provided by educators and counselors who had one on one individual counseling service to those who needed urgent help. This was one among successful workshops that we had with the girls, after which all  the girls were given  disposable sanitary pads in addition to the ones they were taught to hand make.

Sisterhood Mushroom Training

We ended this fourth quarter with successfully by hosting Sisterhood Mushroom Training held in Zvimba Rural.  The massive response to this initiative triggered the building up of five support groups of six ladies in a group while other groups had seven members to make a total of thirty four women who  benefited  directly from this training.  This training was designed  as part of our women empowering programs done annually to empower  women. And to allow these women to meet more often in their safe spaces and strengthen their support groups.

Zvimba women who participated during mushroom training project

Vote of Thanks from the Director’s Desk

We would want to thank all our supporters, sponsors and friends of the organization for all the Support that we have received since we started the Precious Hearts Haven’s  Journey, and we have seen tremendous responses from the community and testimonies of success stories are not going unnoticed.

Precious Hearts Haven wishes you a brighter new year.

Every dollar counts if you would wish to support us, the account details are below:
Name of account: Precious Hearts Haven
Account number/ IBAN: 56702726933012
Name of bank: BancABC bank, Chiredzi branch
Bank address: BancABC Chiredzi branch, 56-57 chilonga drive, Chiredzi Zimbabwe
For more information write to us at:

Thank you !


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