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Newsletter 1/ 2023

 Precious Hearts Haven has one driving goal: for all women and girls to be free of violence at home, at work and in public spaces. We keep on creating more and more safe spaces for them.

It goes without saying that 2022 was a year that bore unrivalled challenges. As the world receded into lockdown, sectoral shocks triggered ripple effects across the globe and our communities were not spared.

Yet amidst it all, we witnessed a shadow pandemic that for some time remained silent or not enough discussed. Rates of sexual and gender-based violence in Zimbabwe particularly domestic and intimate partner violence, skyrocketed both in urban and rural setups. In Zimbabwe, we witnessed an alarming increase in domestic violence cases and reports of rape cases as witnessed by several cases of pregnant teen girls.

The first quarter highlights encouraging and successful testimonies of women who refused to be defeated by life circumstances, women who in the midst of chaotic relational issues managed to rise up, picked themselves up and put into practice what they have learnt from Precious Hearts Haven (PHeHa) trainings and workshops. These women are true victors of gender-based violence.

 Although they are living with memories and scars of hurt, they are looking into the future with hope and optimism knowing too well that there is a shoulder to lean on in the form of Precious Hearts Haven (PHeHa) with the generous support from the Kanthari foundation and its partners.



Suzan (40)

Is a married, mother of three. Survivor who sought help from Precious Hearts Haven (PHeHa) and she also attended the mushroom trainings and became a beneficiary of the mushroom growing project. She has gone a step further in generating income to feed herself and her family through selling ice creams. The initial capital to start the ice cream project, she got it from the sales income of her support group.

Suzan is very grateful to the trainings she got from PHeHa for affording her a better independent life from abuse.

Suzan showing off ice creams she sells

 Shyco 37

After her husband left her with four kids for another women. Life has been so difficult that she could sleep with empty stomach sometimes. Her situation made her vulnerable to other heartless and abusive men who would want to take advantage of her situation whenever she looks for some piece job to help her to feed her children. After being part of one of Precious Hearts Haven support group, she managed to get capital from her group mates to start her small fruit and veg  project. “ I am so greatiful that I got an opportunity to be part of this group of amazing sisters who had supported me to get to this level. I had lost hope in life because I was suffering. I can now able to take care of my children and myself” she said.

Shyco selling fruits to her customer

Netsai Govhani (46)

After her failed marriage which almost left her for dead, Ms Netsai is now selling roasted maize which in her own words is enough to feed her family and to pay her rentals. She said she regrets all the years that she suffered in the hands of her abusive husband only because she feared that she will not be able to put food on the table for her kids.  She looks forward to grow in her business. “This is just a start, iam seeing myself growing even to bigger things. Iam grateful that I managed to face my fear through the support of other women” she said.

Netsai roasting maize cobs to sell.

The precious visit of Sabreya Tenberken and Paul Kronenberg

Precious Harts Haven was blessed enough to receive and host Paul and Sabreya founders of kanthari school of social change makers in February 2023.The two had time to meet and interact with some of our beneficiaries in Zvimba rural, here in Zimbabwe. They also had time to visit some of the projects including mushroom and nursery tree projects being done with our beneficiaries. Both the organization Precious Hearts Haven and the women were very grateful and felt the love that was shown to them during their visit.

Sabreya , Paul and our beneficiary Veronica

Gogo  Bvanyangu (59)

Is now a full time mushroom supplier to local shops, community and vegetable markets. Ever since she started mushroom business her life has changed so much that she no longer relies on other people for her grandchildren’s upkeep. All along she was having financial problems for the upkeep of her late children’s kids. Through the support from Precious Hearts Haven’s mushroom training and support group help she is now earning from her individual mushroom project.

Gogo Bvanyangu showing her harvested mushroom and packed ones for sale.

As Precious Hearts Haven, we remain committed to our main objectives of freeing women and girls from the bondage of sexual and gender-based violence. We remain very thankful to Kanthari Foundation and all our sponsors for all the good things and assistance they have invested in us for the fulfilment of our mandate.

Going forward, we have lined up several workshops and projects for emancipating women and girls who are still in the web of toxic relationships and marriages.

We are currently creating a safe empowerment center  for teen mothers. We are kindly looking for your support in cash, clothes both for babies and teen mothers, sanitary pads, food and books. Please do join hands with us in creating a peaceful environment .

Anotida Mujeri  (28)

From the day that she underwent nursery tree training, she has not looked back. Netsai said she has the option of selling nursery trees to schools and individuals who are particularly interested in fruit trees. Up to date she has nursed over 8000 both indigenous and exotic trees. She said after tree planting training she started picking variety of seeds and took advantage of the rain season. She said she want to have a proper tree nursery project with proper sun shade. “ I fell in love with these trees. If one dries up I get so hurt. So I make sure that they get proper care because they are also helping me in generating income and well being of my mental health” she said.

Anotida showing some indegenous trees in her nursery

Every dollar counts if you would wish to support us, the account details are below:
Name of account: Precious Hearts Haven
Account number/ IBAN: 56702726933012
Name of bank: BancABC bank, Chiredzi branch
Bank address: BancABC Chiredzi branch, 56-57 chilonga drive, Chiredzi Zimbabwe
For more information write to us at:

Thank you !

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